Party Games Night!

Tonight saw the next Party Games event, an evening full of mini-games, prizes and fun!

Musical Chairs

The event kicked off with a game of musical chairs in Silvermoon. Who doesn’t enjoy this classic childhood party game? The rules are simple; walk around the table whilst the Discord music bot plays music. When it gets muted find a chair and sit down as quickly as possible! One person will be left without a chair and are out, they take up a chair for the rest of the round. Soon one person will be left sitting victorious on the final chair!

The High Dive

Within Azshara sits Gallywix’s Pleasure Palace and within that sits a bubbly swimming pool. What better game than to dive off your mount from increasingly high starting points into the pool? Points for landing in the pool, even more points for landing in the mini-pool within the pool!

Riddle Scavenger Hunt

To close the evening, we ran a mini scavenger hunt which saw us flying around the Eastern Kingdoms to locations given in riddles. Upon reaching a location, you must send a screenshot to the riddle master and if you’re correct, you’ll receive the next riddle!
This saw us paying a visit to High Inquisitor Whitemane, Southshore, The Greymane Wall and Loch Modan.

A large riddle evening with some very deep riddles and winding paths will be coming up in the next couple of weeks so look out for that!

Happy Clubbing!

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