
Blizzcon into Season 3

Blizzcon was held earlier this month and with it came some exciting announcements for WoW and Blizzard in general. The next expansion was announced brining account-wide progression, further system and content improvements rather than scrapping everything and, of course, Horde dwarves!
It’s also sounding positive for Blizzard in general, with lots of talk about more freedom and better outlook for them and the games, as well as Phil Spencer making an appearance during the opening ceremony. There’s plenty to be excited about!

Season 3 is also upon us which means a new dungeon pool, new raid, new world activities and new loot! So if you’re feeling that itch again, now’s the time to hop back in and share the adventure 🍻

Mid-Season Check-in

Now that we’ve all had time to sink our teeth into Dragonflight, let’s take a look at what’s been going on in the WCCC!

Firstly, it’s safe to say everyone is thoroughly enjoying Dragonflight! It really feels like the game has turned a corner and is heading in a much better direction both content-wise and in the relationship between Blizz and the community. I, for one, am feeling excited about WoW for the first time in years!

As for guild content, we’ve done our fair share of world events and dragon races – including adding a guild dragon racing leaderboard to the addon! We’ve also cleared the raid on normal in our occasional chilled PUG raids and some people have dabbled in heroic.

The surprise guild-favourite content has been mythic+! We’ve been running them most evenings at a much higher level than we’ve ever done before and having a blast doing it! Hopefully we can find some more chilled players to join us for these 😀

We’re excited about the future of WoW and the WCCC, so there’s no better time to join us! If you’re interested, either apply through the in-game guild finder or send a message to Aerthok-DefiasBrotherhood

Clubbing Companion AddOn – Now Available!

Today marks an exciting day for the WCCC as we release our brand new AddOn, the WCCC Clubbing Companion!
This AddOn releases with two modules, the Clubbing Competition and the Info HUD.

Clubbing Competition

Don your club and head out into the world to club as many Alliance as possible in the fabled Clubbing Competition! This guild-wide competition sees members using their Worgen Clubs to club members of the Alliance. The competition is played in monthly seasons, each with a different focus race. Clubbing a Worgen or the current season’s race will award points. During the Clubbing Ceremony at the end of the month the top 3 Clubbers will be celebrated and added to the leaderboard for the duration of the next season!
Grab you clubs for it’s Clubbing Season!

Info HUD

This handy HUD shows messages set by officers used. It has two tabs, Guild and Raid, which are used for guild/event information and raid info/tactics respectively. We hope this will allow us to provide more in-game information on events and guild activities, as well as give an easy tactics reference during raids.

We’ll continue to add fun and useful modules to the Clubbing Companion as we go and as always, if you have any feedback or suggestions, we’d love to hear them! Happy Clubbing!

Grab the AddOn from Curse/Twitch:
More info on the modules and using the AddOn can be found at

Party Games Night!

Tonight saw the next Party Games event, an evening full of mini-games, prizes and fun!

Musical Chairs

The event kicked off with a game of musical chairs in Silvermoon. Who doesn’t enjoy this classic childhood party game? The rules are simple; walk around the table whilst the Discord music bot plays music. When it gets muted find a chair and sit down as quickly as possible! One person will be left without a chair and are out, they take up a chair for the rest of the round. Soon one person will be left sitting victorious on the final chair!

The High Dive

Within Azshara sits Gallywix’s Pleasure Palace and within that sits a bubbly swimming pool. What better game than to dive off your mount from increasingly high starting points into the pool? Points for landing in the pool, even more points for landing in the mini-pool within the pool!

Riddle Scavenger Hunt

To close the evening, we ran a mini scavenger hunt which saw us flying around the Eastern Kingdoms to locations given in riddles. Upon reaching a location, you must send a screenshot to the riddle master and if you’re correct, you’ll receive the next riddle!
This saw us paying a visit to High Inquisitor Whitemane, Southshore, The Greymane Wall and Loch Modan.

A large riddle evening with some very deep riddles and winding paths will be coming up in the next couple of weeks so look out for that!

Happy Clubbing!


Earlier this week saw the WCCCs first Pet-a-Palooza, an extravagant event centred around our little, often forgotten, friends; Battle Pets.

The evening opened in the magical Whispering Forest in Western Tirisfal. Within the Faerie circle surrounded by woodland creatures and fey dragons, we began our Pet-a-Palooza!

We kicked off with a pet auction of some powerful level 25 pets. The bidding was heated and after many rounds, each member walked away with a new pet or two. The proceeds went directly to the guild to put towards, raiding, prizes and, of course, more pets!

After everyone was acquainted with their new companions, we moved on to the vanity competition! Several categories were brought out and for each, the participants had to pick a pet that they thought best suited the category. They then had a few sentences to explain why they chose that pet. Categories included, “A Night in a Haunted House”, “At a Tea-party”, and the combined transmog & pet round, “Pirates!”

Many excellent pets and stories were shared and the winners received first pick from the guild prize bank.

Next up, who is the very best? This heated lvl 25 double-elimination battle tournament saw some incredible pets go head-to-head in some intensely close battles!

We closed the evening with some random category lvl 1 battles. This involved rolling 3 times before the battle to randomly pick 3 pet categories, such as Dragonkin, Humanoid etc. The two contestants then had to construct a lvl 1 team with a pet from each of these categories and battle it out!

Overall the event was a great success and thoroughly entertaining! Everyone had a brilliant time and we got to see some amazing pet collections, we’ll definitely be running this event again soon!

WCCC Level 1 Race – March 2019

Today the Worgen Cub Clubbing Club completed our first level 1 race! It was an exciting event full of adventure, daring, aggrivation and fun all round, so thank you everyone that attended!
We began with level 1s in Tirisfal Glade and made our way through Silverpine and into Hillsbrad before making the perilous journey past the wolves, owlbears and, of course, Gryphons of The Hinterlands. Finally we reached the comforting warmth of the tavern in Revantusk Village, the race goal!

Our 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prize winners were Zanjik (racing as Rotgore), Melonasta (racing as Rottenmelon) and Melonashii (racing as Mouldymelon), congratulations!

We’ll definitely be hosting more level 1 races in the future, so we’ll see you there!

Gearing up for BfA

As we gear up for BfA we’re doing some restructuring of the way the guild works. We’re now using our Discord server as the main platform for guild info, chat, events and general management.
We now also have leaders and assistants for each area of content we’re doing, including Raiding, Mythic+, Rated PvP and Fireside Events. The aim of this is to bring regular events for everyone that’s interested to join in on and give everyone the opportunity to progress at the level they want to.

These areas of content have dedicated text and voice channels on our Discord to provide a place for everyone that’s interested to chat and gain information about this type of content.

Have fun and we hope this new structure will provide regular events for everyone to be involved in and build an even bigger sense of community in the WCCC.

See you in game!

Achievement Earned: Broken Isles Mammoth Train

We’d just finished an Emerald Nightmare run one evening and were deciding what to do next, though the night was getting on and people were starting to head to bed, so options were limited. In true WCCC fashion several of us started a Dalaran mammoth train to help the ideas flow.

As the train grew our thoughts turned to those of the ultimate mammoth train, an epic journey of mammoth walking, sight-seeing and, of course, a good time! And so, with drinks topped up and spirits high, we leapt from Krasus’ Landing and set our course for Suramar!

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